The Amelie Series

Those of you who have seen the movie "Amelie" will understand these images. I tried my best to re-create the scenes in the film-especially the colors: green, red and blue and the unique expressions of Amelie. This is one of my favorite movies of all time because of the message, the cinematography and the creativity of the film. Enjoy!

This shoot was interesting because is was completely impromptu. We were planning on shooting at the Peace Gardens which ended up begin closed! So, as the light was fading more and more and Crystalyn standing in this gorgeous dress, we had to think quick. I noticed a skating park a block away with blue walls so we decided to take a chance. One of the skating boys even assisted in holding the cherry blossoms for one of my favorite images. I guess sometimes things turn out more interesting than planned. Carpe diem!

Cherry Blossoms

urban evening